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Tall Trees

Tall Trees
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60 Beds

The team at our Colchester care home provides personalised, expert dementia care for older people in a warm and supportive setting.

Tall Trees is a modern, purpose-built care home in a quiet residential area close to the centre of Colchester. Our large team provides personalised residential and nursing dementia care on a short term (respite) or permanent basis. We also have the expertise to care for people living with physical disabilities or learning disabilities. We offer compassionate end of life care too.
Dementia care with a difference

All of our team receive advanced dementia training, which enables them to experience first-hand what it may be like to live with dementia. This gives them deep insights into the condition and ways to communicate effectively with people living with different stages of dementia.

Tall Trees also has a dementia champion who coaches and advises colleagues on best practice dementia care. As a result, colleagues are confident and focused on delivering highly personalised care and meeting each person’s unmet needs in order to ease any anxiety they feel, and make every interaction meaningful for them.

Our vision is: “Tall Trees – where quality, choice, dignity and independence are always number one”. At the heart of the dementia care we provide is a deep understanding of the individual. When your loved one joins us, we focus on learning about their life and interests so that we can plan activities and experiences that enable them to live an active, independent and fulfilling life. We put everything we learn about your loved one into their own personal life story book.

Living at Tall Trees is all about enjoying meaningful activities. That might mean taking part in our organised small group and one-to-one activities, or helping around the home. Meaningful activity is different for each person we care for, so we adapt to each resident.
Vitally, everything we do is resident led. Residents make decisions about all aspects of their life and the way the home is run: we use a simple dot voting system to give everyone a voice.

Tall Trees is part of Care UK.

(01206) 844425 / 0333 434 3076


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