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SANE was established in 1986 to improve the quality of life for people affected by mental illness, following the overwhelming public response to a series of articles published in The Times entitled The Forgotten Illness.

Written by the charity’s founder and chief executive, Marjorie Wallace, the articles exposed the neglect of people suffering from mental illness and the poverty of services and information for individuals and families.

SANE's vision has remained consistent throughout its history: to raise public awareness; excite research; and bring more effective professional treatment and compassionate care to everyone affected by mental illness.

SANE is a UK-wide charity working to improve quality of life for people affected by mental illness. SANE has three main objectives linked to our aims and outcomes:

To raise awareness and combat stigma about mental illness, educating and fighting to improve mental health services.
To provide care and emotional support for people with mental health problems, their families and carers as well as information for other organisations and the public.
To promote and host research into the causes and more effective treatments of mental illness such as schizophrenia and depression and the psychological and social impact of mental illness.

SANE offers emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental health problems through our helpline, Textcare and our online Support Forum where people share their feelings and experiences.

These services are provided by our team of volunteers who undergo rigorous training and in many cases give hundreds of hours of their free time each year. Our Caller Care service led by professional staff provides ongoing support to help people alleviate a crisis phase or get through difficult circumstances.

0300 304 7000 / 07984 967708


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