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Find Your Active

It’s been a year of Essex residents finding the activity that’s right for them. Find Your Active turns 1, and it certainly isn’t going anywhere.

The campaign, which launched July 2021, celebrates the fact that everyone can enjoy the huge benefits of moving more – it’s just about finding what is right for you. When it comes to getting active, Active Essex know that finding the right activity greatly increases your chances of creating a new, sustainable, healthy habit.

Find Your Active was set up to support residents to get moving, following the Covid-19 pandemic. Many residents had become deconditioned, anxious about leaving the house and more and more inactive. For many, this is still a challenge, but Find Your Active will continue to support these residents by highlighting the many ways and opportunities to get active. Whether that be on your own, with family and friends, or in a group in the park, Find Your Active has already supported many individuals to find the activity that’s right for them.

And they’re not stopping there, to get involved in the campaign, or to find ways to get moving, visit:

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Help us make a difference to individuals in poverty, loneliness, grief, loss, with dementia, needing friendship and support.