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Dementia Experience Bus

Bringing the Virtual Dementia Bus to various locations in Colchester over the last few months has been an incredible experience.

Over 70 individuals aged between 17 and 70 have taken part in Dementia training provided by Training 2 Care UK Ltd. This project was only possible thanks to the funding from NHS SNEE ICB – North East Essex

Our highlights include bringing the Dementia Bus to Leisure World Colchester where attendees included Colchester Borough Council employees, local councillors and The Mayor of Colchester 2022-23

Parking up at Culver Square providing a training day for Age Well East staff and volunteers and meeting 27 social care students during our training sessions at Colchester Institute

If you would like to find out more about the Virtual Dementia Bus and the training offered visit Training 2 Care UK Ltd

Thank you to all involved for making this opportunity happen.

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Help us make a difference to individuals in poverty, loneliness, grief, loss, with dementia, needing friendship and support.