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The Warm & Toasty Club Visit

We are Age Well East had the honor of attending a warm and toasty memory afternoon this week. See below for Mariah’s experience.

Warm & Toasty Club Visit:

Mariah from support services attended The Warm and Toasty Club memory afternoon where everyone was very welcoming. The afternoon consisted of memory sharing, quizzes, raffles, and a live performance.

The afternoons are described as a ‘befriending session’ to help reduce isolation and loneliness and help build friendship circles and that’s exactly what it was doing. There was always a hub of conversation going, people interacting with each other, and new friendships being formed.

The memory afternoon engages everyone to reminisce about their past over tea and biscuits. The afternoons are suitable for everyone over 50yrs including, those living with dementia.

We recommend a visit for anyone who is feeling lonely, enjoys music and reminiscing with others sharing fond memories.

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