My name is Dave, Dementia Poem
My name is Dave, I’m 69
Most of my life I have been fine
Some years ago though I started to find
Events were not so clear in my mind
So to the Doc’s I went, what an adventure,
He diagnosed me with Dementia
I try to do things as I could
And some I can, though not so good
I can tell you of things back in the past
But my recent memories do not last
So a nice young lady gave me my dog
And although he cannot clear my fog
He barks at me and I stroke his head
And instead of sad, I’m happy instead
He likes a cuddle and so do I
And generally I’m a happy guy
When he barks at me it’s like his ‘talk’
But he doesn’t need to go for a walk
So thank you for giving me a little friend
And my thanks are In this rhyme I send.

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