Linda’s Story
“You’re never too old to make friends” Linda attends Age Well Easts’ lunch club that runs on Friday mornings from 11 – 1.30 in Stanway. Linda came along with the view to make friends; she lives alone and enjoys nothing more than some good company, a laugh and chatting about cooking and knitting. Linda has made friends with everyone in the group but has formed a particularly special bond with Mother & Son, Jill and Peter, who have invited Linda round to their home for dinner on multiple occasions and are now making plans to go on day trips together.
Linda has said that our lunch club is a lifeline for her, and she thoroughly looks forward to coming every week. Linda joins in with the quiz and often brings her knitting along too – which has now encouraged other members of the group to also bring their knitting and compare patterns and finished masterpieces.
Linda would like to say to anyone thinking about joining the lunch club, “you’re never too old to make new friends. Come along and you’ll be made to feel very welcome, and I hope that by sharing my story it will encourage others to get out and make friends – and have some fun at the same time!”

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