What we do
We make a real and positive difference to the lives of over 4,000 people every year by supporting them when they need us.

The challenges we face
An ageing population living through a prolonged cost of living crisis
An estimated fifth of people aged 75 and over are living below the poverty line and these figures are only getting worse. The Trussel Trust reports that pensioners’ use of food banks has increased by 345% between 2018/19 and 2023/24. Similarly, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has found the number of pensioners facing destitution has increased by 254%.
The situation is more pronounced here in North East Essex, which is home to 106,000 people aged over 65; an increase of 25.6% (compared with the national average increase of 20.1%) between 2011 and 2021. In addition to this, the Tendring district has a high proportion of older people with low income households. It’s estimated that 16.5% of Tendring households have an income of less than £15K and need extra care and support at home.
Loneliness and social isolation
Some people do not see another person for days on end. With television or the radio as their only company, life can feel incredibly lonely. Over time, these feelings of loneliness can seriously impact a person’s mental and physical wellbeing, increasing the potential for depression, stroke, heart disease, and cognitive decline. It has even been linked to early death.
Extreme social isolation like this affects as many as 80,000 older people in Essex.
These stark figures are warning of an impending crisis and suggest that the need for our services will only increase.

How we help
Welfare and advice
Our Welfare Advice Service empowers people to maintain their independence and provides crucial support before a situation reaches crisis point. With empathy and understanding, we help people to articulate their individual needs and provide validation and acknowledgement of their circumstances. We breakdown the barriers caused by shame and stigma and identify the needs associated with health, finance, and social isolation.
Through this we help people to access financial benefits and entitlements which last year alone was worth almost £1.7m. We provide advice and information regarding pensions, benefits & entitlements, housing, Blue Badge disability parking permit applications, and assisting people to keep safe from increasing cybercrime and fraud. We also provide advice to those seeking help with their mental wellbeing, helping to navigate and connect people to local health services and where appropriate community groups, clubs and activities to strengthen resilience.

Dementia support
No one wants or expects to be diagnosed with dementia, and we know from meeting hundreds of people affected by dementia what an earth-shattering impact a diagnosis can have. The aim of our specialist dementia services is to support and inform people along their journey with the disease. We offer one-to-one advice and information sessions tailored to each individual’s specific needs, covering topics such as receiving a diagnosis, managing symptoms, help with care, and planning for the future. We also run popular dementia cafes, which offer opportunities for peer support.
It is estimated that by 2025, there will be over 6,000 older people living with dementia in North East Essex. This is an increase of 34% compared to data captured in 2019. With the country’s health and social care services already under huge pressure, it is more important than ever that older people and their families can access support, information, and advice.
“To say the weekly Dementia Café which we attended regularly, was helpful is an understatement. I was no longer ‘alone’ in my caring role. I had the opportunity to share experiences and ideas with other carers and found a new social life with them.”

Information Hub
Our empathetic and skilled team are amazing to talk to. They recognise that in many cases beneath a simple-sounding request can lie a wealth of deeper problems. With an in-depth knowledge of all our services, the Information Hub is the first point of contact for everyday enquiries. Not only can they direct people towards one of the trusted, DBS-checked tradespeople on our list and share details of community groups, but, if needed, they can also refer clients to one of the many other services Age Well East offer.

Community and friendship
With the help of over 270 fully trained volunteers, we offer a variety of community friendship services which range from one-to-one befriending, online and in-person friendship, groups and activities. While some people can go days without a single interaction with another human being, we offer friendship to help build confidence and provide the opportunity for friendship and vital social connection.
We also run and direct people to local social groups and activities across Essex where they can connect with others through dancing, arts and crafts, knitting or simply socialise over a coffee. A variety of different groups throughout each week ensures there is something for everyone.
Our friendship services often uncover other needs too, such as welfare advice; access to trusted providers; social activities in the area or person-centred dementia support to those in later years and their families. Each of these additional needs can be identified through simple conversation and resolved or supported through one of our services.

We can make a real difference to you or someone you know.
We are here for people in later years. We empower you to age well.
Our vision
To be the go-to place for people to feel connected, informed and included as they grow older
Ways to give
Every gift helps us to support people across Essex to age well
Read our latest news, stories and updates from our local community.