About us
“I was able to talk openly about my worries. Very soon, I was getting support I didn’t know was available. This has been a lifeline for me”.

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Last year we helped 4,000 people to age well, and we are determined to continue to increase this number year on year.
Our wrap-around community services include befriending, mental health support, community clubs, and assistance with applications for benefits such as attendance allowance and hidden disabilities blue badges.
Nearly 20,000 people are living with dementia in Essex, and our wide range of services provide a lifeline during a time that many find upsetting and confusing. Our dementia experts provide holistic interventions to support and inform people diagnosed with the disease and their loved ones.
With an estimated 320,000 people aged 65 and over living in Essex, our services are more vital to our communities than ever before.
At Age Well East our clients and volunteers are at the heart of everything we do.
We are thrilled to share our story with you, showcasing the difference our transformative services make to the lives of individuals in Essex.
But who better to tell our story than the very individuals whose lives we touch? Watch our story here:
Who we are
We believe everyone deserves to age well, and it is our mission to support and empower people in later years.
What we do
We advise and provide practical information; we connect communities to tackle loneliness; we support people through emotional challenges and we empower people to live well with dementia.
Our vision
As we look to the future, we remain focused on our aim to support and empower people to age well.
Jobs at Age Well East
We are growing. See our exciting job roles and apply to become part of our team.
Volunteer with us
Our volunteers make an incredible difference in so many different ways. Discover how you can be part of it.
Support us
With around 3.9 million people confirming the television is their main company in later years, our popular friendship services provide the two-person or group conversation that is needed. But we need your help.
We can make a real difference to you or someone you know.
We are here for people in later years. We empower you to age well.